Sunlun Vipassana Meditation
The Insight Meditation in Buddhism
Homage to Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha
Sambuddhe ( Than bode day ) Verse - Homage to the Sambuddhas
- by Sunlun Sayadaw U Kawi, the founding father of Sunlun Meditation
- by Sunlun Sayadaw U Vinaya, the Abbot of Kaba-aye Sunlun Monastery, Rangoon, Burma.
Biography of the Sunlun Sayadaw U Kawi - in Burmese
Biography of the Sunlun Sayadaw By Thynn Thynn - in English
Our Dearest Sayadaw A Shin Vinaya - in English
Sunlun Meditation Method - in Burmese
Sunlun Meditation Method - in English
Sunlun Meditation Method - in Chinese
Sunlun Meditation Method (2) - in English -by Sayadaw U Wara
Sunlun Vipassan Dhamma Talk by Sunlun Kaba Aye Sayadaw U Wara
宣隆內觀禪修法(二)- 華那大師(Sayadaw U Wara)著 / 梁國雄居士譯
宣隆大師傳 - 華那大師(Sayadaw U Wara)安排與編輯 / 田烏先生(U Tin U, BA, BL)英譯 / 梁國雄居士中譯
Preamble to meditation - Prayer / Parigan
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Updated on : 12 June, 2024